
What is Futminna Developers Circle?

Federal University of Technology Minna Developers Circle (FDC) envision a technological community for the students in and outside FUTMinna to promote and encourage global technological advancement, where we network, learn and innovate to foster the spirit of research and in-depth studying in areas of science and technology especially information and communication technology through meetups, training, study group, conference, sharing first-hand information on latest trends in technology as well as opportunities in the Industries to developers. In the past we hosted Google Hashcode and had some of our developers in the top ranks (first, third and fifth) nationwide. With the series of meetups held, we have helped groom a group of developers with diverse skills like web and mobile development, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, design, etc.

Organizing communities

Futminna DevCircle is the brain child of a select group of an over-vitaminated founders/administrators solidly backed by our ever-present staff advisors. You will find the team list at Team.


Where and when will the next event take place?

The next event titled “Design and Collaboration” takes place on Saturday, May 4 at SICT Lab, SICT, Federal University of Technology, Minna.

We have been fortunate in the past years to obtain sponsorship deals from Ingressive, MLH and Google for Hashcode.

How to become a sponsor/partner?

The partnership file is currently available here.


Where can I register?

Find the registration form here. Upon completion of registration, you will be sent an email containing an invite to our official slack channel.

What are the conditions for registration?

All we require is that you are a student, staff or alumni of Federal University of Technology, Minna

Is it necessary to know a programming langauge?

Give us your enthusiasm. The community is here to help you on your learning journey

Can I update my registration information?

Yes, you can change your registration information on our google form but you will not be sent a new slack invite.

What do i stand to gain?

The chance to acquire knowledge, take on live projects, grow as a developer all the while internetworking with other developers.